Saturday, July 23, 2011

You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

The Chronicle of Wedges, Cont'd...

You know, if you're into that

At work, The Boss and I try to keep things a little loose and silly - helps to get through the day. Recently we had a production rent from us called "Animals On Parade". Here's the rental on the white board.

Last night, met up with some friends to catch a showing of Jaws at the Paramount.

(The main stage and organist.)

(The ceiling.)

(The Marquee.)

Sorry the photos are so blurry, but it's low light shooting in a movie theater, whadaya expect?

Sigur Ros - Dial: Revenge
Ending Note: A girl was shot in front of Gaylord's on Piedmont. Oakland, you're despicable.


  1. Nice photos & video. Taken with the new phone?

    Update on the shooting... 2 young men robbed the patrons of Gaylords of their laptops & electronics. The woman was shot when one patron, a regular, tackled one of the robbers, setting off the gun.

    There's a lot more to love about Oakland and the people that live there than you know. Why perpetuate the hate, D?

  2. Photos and video taken on the Canon. The phone's camera abilities would look like poop; Guybrush knows what he's good at and stick to that. Which reminds me, I should introduce him here soon.

    I genuinely dislike Oakland. Really, dislike it a lot. But you're right, that I shouldn't populate the world with any more negativity than should commonly be allowed in an opinion. I stand by my statement, but won't pollute any more.

    Give a hoot.



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