Monday, August 29, 2011

The Anatomy of Principles

Principles are tricky things. The entire basis of a principle blends unwavering resolve with fluid judgement of variables. Those that do it right, are never at an impasse; think of a strict principle that you believe you would always stand by.

"I would never buy an SUV."

You're stranded in a small village where the only two working vehicles are SUV's, that you cannot borrow, but must purchase for use. If you do not cross the desert by nightfall, a man will die.

Take the same statement, but apply it to your life as it lies at this very moment. More than likely, you're a young professional, with a perfectly running vehicle, in a city with public transportation, and mild climate. More than likely, yes, you would never, and have no reason to every purchase an SUV.

Variables. Situation. Adaptivity to the given circumstances. You cannot ever hold true to a principle absolutely, but you can hold true to your principles.

To be a person of faith, or a dear friend, or a leader, or a confidant, you must hold to your principles wholly, without lax or doubt. Your morale constitution must be stout, and courage despite doom or ill will, unquestionable. These are strict guidelines, but guidelines nonetheless. 

What allows for these excursions from your set principles then; to be truthful to your beliefs, yet allow for your beliefs to bend without breaking. 

Principles are not all equal.

"I don't eat non-organic foods."

"I do not kill babies."

Two, very, different levels of principles. Would you eat a farm-raised salmon to save an infant's life? Would you take a life to enjoy an organic meal? 

The greatest measurement of one's resolve is what principle sits atop all the others in their life. For some it's money. For others, love. Loyalty. Public regard. Survival. Happiness.

Principles may be the most important part of being an individual, but careful you don't choose them and make bars instead of paths.

Horse Feathers - Mother's Sick
Ending Note: Draw up your own Principles Pyramid. You may just learn something about yourself.

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