Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Running In The Night

Just got back from a run down the street. I was gone for fifteen minutes.

Now, this isn't news to most folks out there, but for me, it's kinda cool.

Not since high school (outside of a test run, when I became a cyborg five years ago), have I run a continual distance that you wouldn't consider less than a sprint. My trips to the gym consist of weights, and in the past, twenty minutes on the bicycle machine.

I've always had this somewhat damaged heart (insert melodramatic awwww! here), that kept me from prolonged cardiovascular exercise. In high school, I did find out that I was a decent sprinter; but I acknowledge that to being 5' 11" and 130lbs. more than anything.

I decided on a run tonight because I had talked myself out of going to the gym after work, had dinner, and followed that up with a dessert of guilt and self abhorrence.

It feels good though, the exertion. This brings me back to a time in my years just after high school when I discovered weight training, but I'll get into that another time. For now, I'll just enjoy the endorphins. You? You should go for a run.

Snow Patrol - Spitting Games
Ending Note: Empty streets are nice at night.

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