Sunday, July 24, 2011

Because It Needs To Be Done

Today has been a day of things that need to be done. Clean the apartment. Buy groceries. Do laundry. The mundane chores that make life livable.

Leaving the market, I noticed the tire of the car next to mine had a nail in it. I wrote a little note that read:

Front Passenger Tire = Nail In It

This folks, is a classic example of Darrell.

No frills, simple and to the point. No date, no happy face, no introduction. I don't know the owner of the car, and probably will never see them in my life; if I do, we sure as hell won't know that I'm the stranger that left a note on his or her car. I had something to communicate, and I did. They've received the information, and have not further follow up questions.

These tiny acts of common courtesy should be, well, common. Look it up. Fine, lazy dolt...

common  (ˈkɒmən) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
1. belonging to or shared by two or more people: common property
2. belonging to or shared by members of one or more nations or communities; public: a common culture
3. of ordinary standard; average: common decency
4. prevailing; widespread: common opinion
5. widely known or frequently encountered; ordinary: a common brand of soap

So do your part without regard to acknowledgment or praise. True, by posting this, I've acknowledged my action, but hey, do as I say, not as I do. And clean your apartment. 

Odessa Chen - Deer Perspectives
Ending Note: I'm no role model - I'm just right.

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