Thursday, December 22, 2011

Gettin' Ill, Gettin' Merry, Gettin' Squirrely

Been sick.

And the holiday mess is in full swing.

Update possibly this weekend.

For now, enjoy:

The Knife - Heartbeats
Ending Note: Drive safe folks.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fuzzy Role Models

I should go to bed, but will post instead.

See what I did there? I rhymed. 

Went to catch a showing of The Muppets with Red last week, and was amazingly entertained – and not “amazingly” in such as I was surprised to be entertained, but my level of being entertained was amazing. Keep up folks, I can’t waste web space explaining everything for you.

Thought about fuzzy, multi-colored puppets for the following two days, and came to the conclusion that the Muppets are a great source of open minded motivation towards multiculturalism.

There’s a green frog that plays protagonist. Blue weirdo married to a chicken. Pink backup singers to a purple caveman rhasta. And flying penguins. Lots of flying penguins.

In the Muppet world, there is no color, national, ethnic, or even species based division. Their world is built on music, fun, and friendship. They teach us and make us laugh.

This may have been the most fortunate time for them to make a comeback.

Odessa Chen - Deer Perspectives
Ending Note: Mahna Mahna

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You Didn't Have To Be There

Just found some quotes that I wrote down a couple weeks back.

Was at the Giants, Niners game, and my friends are hilarious, so it just took a few beers and, well...

"What does that monkey mean to you?"

"Just because you can tuck it in, doesn't make it okay."

"The last free ticket I had, I went to a Christina Aguilera concert."

"How does one purchase a gold weenie?"

All the above came out as standard conversation, from various people of course, but in deadpan delivery. That's how my folks roll.

Tool - Schism
Ending Note: Hug your friends. It's a good thing to do.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Looking Up From The Grave

I've got this whole post coming up on Muppets, but just can't get myself into that mode right now.

On a completely different mark, been thinking about death recently, but not on an entirely morbid, dark sort of way. More along the vein of the things I'd like to do before its eventual arrival. The things I can do now to postpone the finish line and enjoy the race. How much it'll cost, and what day of the week is best for a wake. You know, the mundane to shiny parts of death that we forget to touch upon when the gong hits, and you're faced with mortality, death rattles, and oh so many tears.

It can't be all negativity and bereavement - nothing is so absolute. 

There are the memories of the past; everyone loves a good story, and who better to be the hero than the newly departed?

Inspiration. Hell, it wasn't until after their deaths that Thoreau or van Gogh became the pieces of history we know them as today.

Tragedy brings people closer together. There's probably nothing that cures a family squabble faster than the mourning of a shared member.

This comes with the weight of sensitivity, but death brings not just financial responsibility, but also financial gain. An inheritance can help those in need, and in death, continue the cause of providing and protection that one had bestowed on loved ones in life.

Perspective folks. We need more of it.

The Black Keys - She's Long Gone
Ending Note: When I go, I want folks to smile and laugh. But, you know, with me, not at me.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Finding Home: Part III

NY and DS came with me to my parents' pad for Thanksgiving.

My father's side of the family consists of my immediate family (7) + my grandmother (1) + six uncles and their children, and grandchildren (roughly 30) + an aunt and her children, and grandchildren (7). That makes about 45 folks, although about 30 make it to Thanksgiving each year.

Absolutely love the fact that I grew up with so many people that I got to see eight to ten times a year; now that we're older, the family gets together about half as often. To me, slamming mahjong tiles, sounds of bullets flying and swords clashing from a big screen TV, a never-ending onslaught of food, and too many bodies in a house, well, that makes family. And family is synonymous with holiday.

In less than a month, we do it all again, but at my uncle's place instead.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, family, home - it doesn't matter where, it's all the same to me.

An Horse - Dressed Sharply
Ending Note: My mom is a better cook than your mom.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Cost of Living

Spent today with my old roommate DW in the city. We're looking to combine forces once again, and find some housing - preferably in Potrero, Hayes, or anywhere mid-city really. Tough going though, with the housing market the way it is.

We're looking $2300 or lower for a two bedroom apartment, and only had two viewings today. I guess that's not so bad - I can remember college in Santa Cruz where I shared a two bed, one bath with three other guys; we would each pay $600 a month. 

Supersaturated markets are the pits.

On a different note, I have a couple cousins that live in the Davis area, and this seems to be causing some concern. Occupy stance aside, I found the concerns over the role of the police an interesting point of the article.

In the times of terrorism and economic strife, we probably need more of this protect and serve, rather than distrust and fear.

Think back a bit - what did you first think or feel the last time you saw a cop on the street?

Silversun Pickups - The Royal We
Ending Note: Short week coming up. And pumpkin pie.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Running In The Night

Just got back from a run down the street. I was gone for fifteen minutes.

Now, this isn't news to most folks out there, but for me, it's kinda cool.

Not since high school (outside of a test run, when I became a cyborg five years ago), have I run a continual distance that you wouldn't consider less than a sprint. My trips to the gym consist of weights, and in the past, twenty minutes on the bicycle machine.

I've always had this somewhat damaged heart (insert melodramatic awwww! here), that kept me from prolonged cardiovascular exercise. In high school, I did find out that I was a decent sprinter; but I acknowledge that to being 5' 11" and 130lbs. more than anything.

I decided on a run tonight because I had talked myself out of going to the gym after work, had dinner, and followed that up with a dessert of guilt and self abhorrence.

It feels good though, the exertion. This brings me back to a time in my years just after high school when I discovered weight training, but I'll get into that another time. For now, I'll just enjoy the endorphins. You? You should go for a run.

Snow Patrol - Spitting Games
Ending Note: Empty streets are nice at night.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Snow, The Water, It's All The Same

The snow season is inching its way into the world again. On an average day on the mountain, I spend the first half easily carving wide S's in the snow, staying off my ass, and enjoying some leisurely speed. The second half is most different; this is the time that I acquire plenty of bruises, and test the limits of my ability.

The way I see it, a lift ticket is plenty expensive, so I better learn something from the day - get better at snowboarding though practice. So the second half is full of foolhardy maneuvers that combine speed, jumps, different stances, and a reckless abandon for safety. I consciously better myself.

These two are worth a listen:

Here and here.

It's true. You do have to force yourself to remember the things you've learned, and force yourself out of those ideas, and grow. You have to choose to learn and be better, instead of playing it safe and comfortable.

Jaymay - Color Confused
Ending Note: Snow day in Sundance?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Occupy Something

Red gave me a call around 5:00 PM.

Red: "They're kinda close. Can you close the shop early?"
Me: "No. Should really stay till closing."

At first I was confused as to why they were here - there is nothing around the shop, but roads and cats. Then again, I guess shutting down a port draws some attention.

It's not that I'm against the movement, but this sort of hubbub just seems saturated in bad press and more harm, than good, for the cause. You can't differentiate the anarchists, skulduggery, or clueless followers from the message. It seems most people I've heard from have had more pride in the fact that they're part of this piece of history, than pride in the sort of change they're pushing; not to say that the former is invalid, but isn't the whole point of this to achieve something?

Me: "No, yeah, they're really close. I'm getting out of here."
Red: "Bye."

Grand Hallway - Blessed Be, Honey Bee
Ending Note: Condolences to the Runway Style House that was vandalised and robbed during the general strike.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

(Digital) Dating Steps

Been hitting the online dating circuit again. That being said, there's a lot of trepidation behind online dating, and I gotta say, it's mostly from the admitting to online dating, not the actual act of online dating.

Just break it down.

What do you do when you're looking for someone, or even, when you see someone that you want to go out with? Steps, it goes in steps...

1. Physical Attraction
2. Availability
3. Mutual Interest
4. Chemistry
5. The Proposition
6. Date

You see a pretty thing at a party (Step 1) and ask a friend if he knows her, if she's single (Step 2) - maybe you sneak a peak at the ring finger. You leave a couple lingering looks her way, see if she notices and reciprocates (Step 3). A couple more swigs of your beer and you head over, say hi, chat her up a bit (Step 4). You share a few laughs, exchange war stories about your boss, and ask her to lunch next week (Step 5). She says yes, and you guys meet at your favorite cafe for coffee, and a walk downtown (Step 6) to people watch.

With online dating you have access to a search engine that takes care of Steps 2 and 3, there are profile pictures that handle Step 1, and messages can be sent to begin Step 4 and eventually lead to Steps 5 and 6. It's all there, in one convenient place.

True, online chemistry through written word is different from face to face interaction, and you only know as much as others are willing to share, but is that really so different from a date? Most, smart folks, hide some of their crazy until you get to know one another, because we all have our fair amount of crazy; information is catered and we each work to put our best foot forward the first couple nights out, even if it's not how we normally act or look. 

Online dating is still a bit taboo, and obviously embarrassing to admit, but should it be?

Air Traffic - Charlotte
Ending Note: Occupy Oakland is making a mess.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Assault Leads To Good, Kinda

At lunch today, and found this to be quite uplifting.

Two reasons to be positive about this story...

A man acted on his principles and instinct, to do what he felt was right at the time. This same man, realized his error in the matter, and has gone to great lengths to make things right; clear the wrong, and assume responsibility. His actions after the incident are rare to witness, and should be commended.

In the time of professional athletes shooting themselves in the leg, getting in fights, and just plain being criminals and thugs, one of them kept his cool, and followed the procedure of social and legal action instead of flying off the handle.

Good job folks.

Scrabbel - Mr. Blue
Ending Note: I love football season.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Calibration of Clarity

Found the above in the the computer, and have no idea what job it was from, who took it, or when.

The past really seems to fold over on itself, always getting a little smaller, a bit more compact as time moves on. This job at The Shop accentuates this effect even more so; routine, day to day, activities mix up the memories and blur the edges.

It may be the age too, but I've found it takes a hell of a lot more concentration to make sense of the past. Thankfully, the present it easier to decipher with wisdom, and the future comes off less daunting.

Clarity is rare. Focus often, or you just might lose it.

Death Cab For Cutie - Brothers On A Hotel Bed
Ending Note: Sundance prep underway. Gotta love Sundance.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Inanimate Objects?

The Boss came by the shop a while back with a couple new calculators. I named mine Simon. You know, like the old school game.

Found this in a truck that came back from a job:

For those that don't know, technicians color code their gear, so that we don't lose it, and everyone knows what belongs to who. The shop uses yellow. My color used to be dark green.

Apparently, whoever this truck went out with, remembered my color, and was kind enough to return one of my old cube taps. It's probably traveled all around the bay area, been out for years, and has now come full circle. A little wiser, a little more worse for wear, but finally home. 

The Notorious B.I.G. feat. Bone Thugs N Harmony - Notorious Thugs
Ending Thought: Girls named Camille are dangerous.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Growing Older

Oh so very tired. But that's hardly out of the norm, so...

What's the above picture look like to you?

When I was a kid, I didn't have many friends - none really until junior high. I made friends up. In my head. I met a new person a week ago that struck me as having absolutely no creative process whatsoever. Like, none. As though that spot in the human body where creative thinking usually resides, was instead, replaced with tapioca. Or Jell-O. Or some other inane, mediocre dessert that nobody would ever be excited about.

In contrast I met another new person just today that struck me as intelligent, open-minded, and absolutely in love with art. Needless to say, I was enraptured. She'll be back by the shop tomorrow - let you know how it goes.

This past Friday, went into the city with DS and Stucco to a film night thrown by Sam, of Autofuss. We hung with some hipsters, watched Total Recall, and had awkward conversation with some caterers.

Stucco: "Which one you like more?"
Me: "Could go either way. Ro-sham-bo?"

Finished the evening back in Oakland, where we met with NY at a Korean bar we've been frequenting since somewhere around 2005. It's the type of place where I'll never know what it's called, underage youngsters drink heavily, and smoke billows out if you hold the door open too long. Reminds me of my own youth.

Christ I'm old.

Radical Face - Ghost Towns
Ending Note: This Sunday is Canadian Thanksgiving. Be nice to your local Canadian.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Old friends are to your general well being, as a bandage is to a scraped knee - they may help a little, but really, they just make you feel better so you can live life. 

Last night flew over the bridge after work, into the city. I hit the Big Midget Shop where I tossed back a number of beers and an even larger number of darts. One of the partners that runs the shop was the Gaffer I Best Boy'd for for the last three years of my freelance career; we're not really very good friends, but strangely have a very strong relationship. Although we never see each other to go catch  a movie, or go to BBQs, we worked very closely on set and grew to trust one another.

Conversely, his shop is also the main competition to my own shop, but the bay area's film industry is small enough that we've all figured out that it's easier to work together than against one another.

By coincidence, the technician that trained me on my first big movie was at the shop as well.

It turned into five hours of beer, darts, loud music, old stories, Doritos, and a warehouse full of laughs. 

This weekend, slap on a bandage, and find your happy.

Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Atlas Hands
Ending Note: I don't recommend the film industry to anyone, but wouldn't trade those years for a thing.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Oh, it's been a bit since I've posted anything, but soon dear friends, soon.

Cowboy And Indian - Save Your Soul
Ending Note: The NFL season makes me cranky.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Decade Past

Ten years ago, nearly 3,000 people died because of malice. The country is still fighting that today, and I've my own opinions on how that'll turn out, but this isn't the time for that. Most of those folks that perished that day were just people, normal Americans, going to work; moms, dads, young professionals - just headed to another day. As innocent as most of us can be, they were innocent.

Rock Falls - Tonight Tonight
Ending Note: Do something good this week.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Live Things and Letting Things Lie

Yesterday, headed over to Red's for a lobster dinner with some of our friends. Never cooked lobster before, so this was a nice learning experience. 

Me: "Let's name this one Charles."

The long weekend has been catching up with good friends, a lot of Netflix streaming, and satisfying lethargy. I attempted a go at doing some laundry, but a lack of quarters put a halt to things before they could even begin.

Red and me started in on a discussion before the others arrived, but wisely switched into more enjoyable conversation instead.

Me: "You know you're not supposed to be doing that."
Red: "I know. But can we not talk about that now? Can we talk about it another time?"
Me: "Yes."

It's alright to be lazy, at least, for a small amount of time; we could all do for more attention to respites. Life isn't Degrassi Junior High, or the latest Mandy Moore romantic comedy - we don't need the big talks or the screaming matches to communicate with one another.

90% of communication is what you choose to hear.

The words, the person speaking, that's a small percentage of things - most of the time, whoever you're talking with, already knows your words, and already knows where you're going with it. Going on a tirade is simply verbal masturbation. 

Look at it this way:

You like your friends, and being that they're your friends, you probably respect them and enjoy their company. If you're anything like me, you don't respect or enjoy the company of idiots. So, in poor philosophical analysis, you respect your friends, and they're not idiots. Ergo, whatever you have to say to them, they probably already know. You can add that 10%, but why bother?

Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack
Ending Note: Charles was damn tasty.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Anatomy of Principles

Principles are tricky things. The entire basis of a principle blends unwavering resolve with fluid judgement of variables. Those that do it right, are never at an impasse; think of a strict principle that you believe you would always stand by.

"I would never buy an SUV."

You're stranded in a small village where the only two working vehicles are SUV's, that you cannot borrow, but must purchase for use. If you do not cross the desert by nightfall, a man will die.

Take the same statement, but apply it to your life as it lies at this very moment. More than likely, you're a young professional, with a perfectly running vehicle, in a city with public transportation, and mild climate. More than likely, yes, you would never, and have no reason to every purchase an SUV.

Variables. Situation. Adaptivity to the given circumstances. You cannot ever hold true to a principle absolutely, but you can hold true to your principles.

To be a person of faith, or a dear friend, or a leader, or a confidant, you must hold to your principles wholly, without lax or doubt. Your morale constitution must be stout, and courage despite doom or ill will, unquestionable. These are strict guidelines, but guidelines nonetheless. 

What allows for these excursions from your set principles then; to be truthful to your beliefs, yet allow for your beliefs to bend without breaking. 

Principles are not all equal.

"I don't eat non-organic foods."

"I do not kill babies."

Two, very, different levels of principles. Would you eat a farm-raised salmon to save an infant's life? Would you take a life to enjoy an organic meal? 

The greatest measurement of one's resolve is what principle sits atop all the others in their life. For some it's money. For others, love. Loyalty. Public regard. Survival. Happiness.

Principles may be the most important part of being an individual, but careful you don't choose them and make bars instead of paths.

Horse Feathers - Mother's Sick
Ending Note: Draw up your own Principles Pyramid. You may just learn something about yourself.

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Day and My Circles

I've a backlog of things to post, pictures to upload, and even a video staring a forklift - how cool is that?! Playing catch-up, though, so all that wonderful media will have to wait.

A long overdue thanks to all my friends that made it out for my birthday nearly two weeks ago now. Red ambushed me with a surprise gathering of all my circles, which was quite odd and wonderful all at once.

Two of my traits that I hold to be very strong characteristics are my aversion to attention, and my favor towards one on one relationships. I've never thought either of these two to be good or bad, but simply a part of my makeup.

Birthdays just aren't my thing - never have been. Too many conversations about myself, too many eyes when a present comes out, too much attention for my comfort. Not to say I'm a convert, but the night was well enjoyed, and I'm thankful for all that made it out for a drink. Red especially.

When I say that I meet with friends, it usually means only one person, two at most. I don't exactly try to keep my Venn Diagrams from crossing over too much, but it's just what I'm comfortable with. I've always felt that I bring more to the table when it's me and another - one on one; less static, more sincerity. Seeing my friends mix it up, talking and interacting, was a bit surreal and dreamlike, as I always have them in separate sections of my brain. Was good though, to see them all laughing together and smiling at stories. Makes sense though. If they vibe with me, why not with one another?

2Pac - Can't C Me
Ending Note: Venn Diagram simile provided by Logan Lo

Roots and Webs

The person above is a filmmaker. I've known her for a number of years now, and at times, we understand each other clearer than we do our own selves. Of this project, and her passion for film, there is no understating her love for what she does.

Believe that when you watch the video, you're taking part in something greater than yourself, because she has the capability to take this project and run further than you probably ever will with anything in you entire life.

Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros - Mondo Bongo
Ending Note: The Kickstarter program is a wonderful thing.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Finding Home: Part II

Hell with it, tomorrow's Friday, I can go without some sleep. I gots words to share, so listen up.

Back in high school, I was a good kid; grades weren't half bad, didn't drink, no drugs - just kept pretty quiet. Had a best friend, didn't run in any circles, cool or nerdy, was on the swim team a couple years, was the A&E editor of the paper, got invited into the running for homecoming king by a technicality - for the most part I was an unknown, a shadow at best. 

One night I received the end result of a stupid mistake with another guy's girl. This spiraled into three days of one entire class against another, property damage in the night, a couple near-brawls, and two kids getting expelled from a class. I was in the wrong, the entire time, I started all this, and by way of association, everyone near me bore the brunt.

In the middle of all these happenings, with various friends telling me to let it go, acquaintances ready to throw a punch on my behalf, teachers near tears in concern, and my folks, blindly reaching for their son, I found myself in the loneliest place I've ever been.

So many people were intertwined in the mess I had made, but I felt completely alone.

Sitting in my old '83 Nissan Stanza, a baseball bat in the passenger seat, I stared down a dark suburban street in Fremont. It was cold, but my windows were open - my body heat had started to fog the windows, and I didn't want the added attention. I was searching the darkness for someone that I'm thankful I never found. 

Through all the horrible strain of those three days, I was watched by the entire school, and for the first time I felt connected. I learned what your relationships mean, no matter how small or big. I found out I "fit" into that world, and how everyone else belonged, despite allegiance or right or wrong. Just as much as summers running through the sprinklers at home, or walking the dog down to the park with my girlfriend, the three days born from my wrongdoing made that place my hometown.

Home is found in the good and bad of hindsight.

Jose Gonzalez - Teardrop
Ending Note: Thanks to forgiveness and friendship.

The Dryer Ate My Homework

I swear, I'll post something soon.

Right now though, I have to fend off these two looming piles of laundry. So clean and fresh, yet so daunting.

Damien Rice - Eskimo
Ending Note: Friday Night Light, the series, is pretty damn good.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Sum of Our Parts

Birthday post to follow. For now, some news...

There's dangerous stuff happening in London. These idiots thought they were in a movie or something. And these two have betrayed so much by their actions.

Criminality comes in many forms, with differing degrees, that can only be even remotely decided by a justice system that is never perfect. Individuals make up the criminals - individuals make up the society that has been injured by these acts. It boils down to one person, making a decision that impacts us all.

As a people, we've lost sight of the value and importance of honor. It's a largely antiquated idea that smells of hokey sentiment, but is the simplest aid in these criminal times. 

To be held responsible to yourself. Holding weight in principle above an end result. Searching for the right answer even when there appears to be none. Making choices that transcend their impact to you alone. Doing good.

There's a rule I follow when dating women:

"Leave 'em better than when you found 'em."

I think this can be taken out of the bubble of dating, and given room to apply to people in general. If this one little rule was followed even 1% of the time, the impact on our societies would be monumental.

Daughter - Your Kisses
Ending Note: Being good is hard, but try.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Finding Home: Part I

Spent this morning back in SF, taking a tour of a couple studios for rent. I wasn't expecting to find a place of interest, and that's exactly what I accomplished. Despite this fact, I still felt a bit deflated and disheartened at the start of my lackluster search for a new place of residence; so, I went to my cafe to find some solace.

You seen Garden State? There's a line that goes:

"Maybe it's like this rite of passage, you know. You won't ever have this feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, you know, for your kids, for the family you start, it's like a cycle or something. I don't know, but I miss the idea of it, you know. Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people that miss the same imaginary place."

So what does living on your own mean? If you've not anyone to share the imaginary place, then do you have family? This brings us to another point from Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events:

"And remember one thing, my darlings, and never forget it: that no matter where we are, know that as long as you have each other, you have your family. And you are home."

This quote actually speaks to me a greater deal; it removes the requirement that a consensus be reached between a group about the same idea. Instead, all you need are your loved ones, and you have a home - geography, physical confines, mutual agreement, they're not needed as long as you share care and fondness with others.

Working backwards, went to brunch with Red yesterday at The Hobnob, where they tried to convince me that this is french toast:

Me: "That's not french toast."
Red: "That's french loaf."

It looks like three fillets of trout, I know, but they assured me that this was a plate of french toast. If you ever happen by the place, I suggest you try their Three Cheese Baked Mac 'n Cheese.

Lastly, during the trailers before watching The Trip, we caught one for a film was saw in Sundance. It's dark, powerful, and epic. Keep an eye out.

Blind Pilot - Two Towns From Me
Ending Note: Trout is a funny word.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Old and New, Here and Gone

Why hello there.

I think I'll call you Mandy. You're pretty.

In more somber news, there's been the growing smell of decay coming from the other end of the warehouse. The Boss went  to investigate and found Clyde's mother behind a pile of wood; we speculated that she had gotten hit by a car, came back to the shop, and hid to recuperate. The wounds were too sever it seems.

The Boss usually comes up with some nifty names for the fluffies, but he could never figure out one that really applied to this one. She was small, with greenish eyes and a grey coat matted with browns and blacks. More skittish than any of the others, The Boss could only remember petting her once, and she could only be caught in a trap by using her kittens as bait. She had three litters of kittens in the shop during her time, so he defaulted at naming her, Mom.

The world's a rough place for feral cats.

Daughter - Landfill
Ending Note: Here one day, gone the next. Do something special tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rekindled Celluloid Love

The Boss is in L.A. right now. We needed to refresh our supply of some gear, and trade in a leased dolly.

The Boss: "So I picked up the nice shiny new Fisher."
Me: "Did you get the one with the flames and racing stripes?"
The Boss: "No. Went for the skulls instead."
Me: "Good choice. Keeps the operators on point."

Last night went to catch a showing of The Roundup at the Castro. Was able to catch it now, before a theatrical release, through the SFJFF that's still going on. Ever since hitting Sundance this past year, I've rekindled an appreciation for film that I had lost for a while.

As a student in college studying film making, it became a labor of writing papers, renting equipment, vying for position over rivals in class - work. Entering into the industry as crew, film sets became battlegrounds where you just wanted to make it out alive; the wounds were not just physical, but moral and mental - work. I had lost that wonder and appreciation - the love.

It wasn't until Park City that I remembered what it was about films that initially got me on such a simple, basic level. Being surrounded by hundreds of people that were all gathered in genial appreciation for the event, looking forward to each film, socializing with strangers that had traveled to that town for the same reasons, it energized you; you felt alive. 

It wasn't until after the festival that I reflected on this, and came to realize that that feeling wasn't just accessible via Sundance, but in watching movies in general. If you let them, they can take you elsewhere, and that sort of displacement brings new breath to your own life; you gain perspective and a respite for those ninety minutes.

So I try to make at least one showing to the festivals that roll through - get a little and give a little back.

Gym Class Heroes - Cupid's Chokehold
Ending Note: The Roundup was a very well done, good movie. You should check it out.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Binary Differences

Read the news online during my lunch break. It's something I inherited when I took the nine to five world on.

Went over the details of the stuff that happened in Norway, and had a talk with The Boss about it.

The Boss: "Do you feel better now that you've read that?"
Me: "No."
The Boss: "That's why I stopped reading the news. Nothing good ever happens in the news."

He's got a point, albeit a pessimistic one; corruption sells, death sells, humiliation sells. Need more proof, check your local listing for some choice programing. 

But I'd rather see things from another angle. 

I read the news to stay informed, to stay connected to the humanity that's in a constant swirl of chaos and change. If anything, the world needs all the help it can get, even from lil 'ol me. In the grand scheme of the game, I'm not making much of a dent in the the scales of hope and love and joy, but +1 is better than 0, and a hell of a lot better than -1. 

Need some perspective?

Only Son - Call Them Brothers (feat. Regina Spektor)
Ending Note: Maybe you don't need to measure progress. Maybe you just need to know which direction its headed.

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