Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You Didn't Have To Be There

Just found some quotes that I wrote down a couple weeks back.

Was at the Giants, Niners game, and my friends are hilarious, so it just took a few beers and, well...

"What does that monkey mean to you?"

"Just because you can tuck it in, doesn't make it okay."

"The last free ticket I had, I went to a Christina Aguilera concert."

"How does one purchase a gold weenie?"

All the above came out as standard conversation, from various people of course, but in deadpan delivery. That's how my folks roll.

Tool - Schism
Ending Note: Hug your friends. It's a good thing to do.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Looking Up From The Grave

I've got this whole post coming up on Muppets, but just can't get myself into that mode right now.

On a completely different mark, been thinking about death recently, but not on an entirely morbid, dark sort of way. More along the vein of the things I'd like to do before its eventual arrival. The things I can do now to postpone the finish line and enjoy the race. How much it'll cost, and what day of the week is best for a wake. You know, the mundane to shiny parts of death that we forget to touch upon when the gong hits, and you're faced with mortality, death rattles, and oh so many tears.

It can't be all negativity and bereavement - nothing is so absolute. 

There are the memories of the past; everyone loves a good story, and who better to be the hero than the newly departed?

Inspiration. Hell, it wasn't until after their deaths that Thoreau or van Gogh became the pieces of history we know them as today.

Tragedy brings people closer together. There's probably nothing that cures a family squabble faster than the mourning of a shared member.

This comes with the weight of sensitivity, but death brings not just financial responsibility, but also financial gain. An inheritance can help those in need, and in death, continue the cause of providing and protection that one had bestowed on loved ones in life.

Perspective folks. We need more of it.

The Black Keys - She's Long Gone
Ending Note: When I go, I want folks to smile and laugh. But, you know, with me, not at me.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Finding Home: Part III

NY and DS came with me to my parents' pad for Thanksgiving.

My father's side of the family consists of my immediate family (7) + my grandmother (1) + six uncles and their children, and grandchildren (roughly 30) + an aunt and her children, and grandchildren (7). That makes about 45 folks, although about 30 make it to Thanksgiving each year.

Absolutely love the fact that I grew up with so many people that I got to see eight to ten times a year; now that we're older, the family gets together about half as often. To me, slamming mahjong tiles, sounds of bullets flying and swords clashing from a big screen TV, a never-ending onslaught of food, and too many bodies in a house, well, that makes family. And family is synonymous with holiday.

In less than a month, we do it all again, but at my uncle's place instead.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, family, home - it doesn't matter where, it's all the same to me.

An Horse - Dressed Sharply
Ending Note: My mom is a better cook than your mom.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Cost of Living

Spent today with my old roommate DW in the city. We're looking to combine forces once again, and find some housing - preferably in Potrero, Hayes, or anywhere mid-city really. Tough going though, with the housing market the way it is.

We're looking $2300 or lower for a two bedroom apartment, and only had two viewings today. I guess that's not so bad - I can remember college in Santa Cruz where I shared a two bed, one bath with three other guys; we would each pay $600 a month. 

Supersaturated markets are the pits.

On a different note, I have a couple cousins that live in the Davis area, and this seems to be causing some concern. Occupy stance aside, I found the concerns over the role of the police an interesting point of the article.

In the times of terrorism and economic strife, we probably need more of this protect and serve, rather than distrust and fear.

Think back a bit - what did you first think or feel the last time you saw a cop on the street?

Silversun Pickups - The Royal We
Ending Note: Short week coming up. And pumpkin pie.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Running In The Night

Just got back from a run down the street. I was gone for fifteen minutes.

Now, this isn't news to most folks out there, but for me, it's kinda cool.

Not since high school (outside of a test run, when I became a cyborg five years ago), have I run a continual distance that you wouldn't consider less than a sprint. My trips to the gym consist of weights, and in the past, twenty minutes on the bicycle machine.

I've always had this somewhat damaged heart (insert melodramatic awwww! here), that kept me from prolonged cardiovascular exercise. In high school, I did find out that I was a decent sprinter; but I acknowledge that to being 5' 11" and 130lbs. more than anything.

I decided on a run tonight because I had talked myself out of going to the gym after work, had dinner, and followed that up with a dessert of guilt and self abhorrence.

It feels good though, the exertion. This brings me back to a time in my years just after high school when I discovered weight training, but I'll get into that another time. For now, I'll just enjoy the endorphins. You? You should go for a run.

Snow Patrol - Spitting Games
Ending Note: Empty streets are nice at night.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Snow, The Water, It's All The Same

The snow season is inching its way into the world again. On an average day on the mountain, I spend the first half easily carving wide S's in the snow, staying off my ass, and enjoying some leisurely speed. The second half is most different; this is the time that I acquire plenty of bruises, and test the limits of my ability.

The way I see it, a lift ticket is plenty expensive, so I better learn something from the day - get better at snowboarding though practice. So the second half is full of foolhardy maneuvers that combine speed, jumps, different stances, and a reckless abandon for safety. I consciously better myself.

These two are worth a listen:

Here and here.

It's true. You do have to force yourself to remember the things you've learned, and force yourself out of those ideas, and grow. You have to choose to learn and be better, instead of playing it safe and comfortable.

Jaymay - Color Confused
Ending Note: Snow day in Sundance?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Occupy Something

Red gave me a call around 5:00 PM.

Red: "They're kinda close. Can you close the shop early?"
Me: "No. Should really stay till closing."

At first I was confused as to why they were here - there is nothing around the shop, but roads and cats. Then again, I guess shutting down a port draws some attention.

It's not that I'm against the movement, but this sort of hubbub just seems saturated in bad press and more harm, than good, for the cause. You can't differentiate the anarchists, skulduggery, or clueless followers from the message. It seems most people I've heard from have had more pride in the fact that they're part of this piece of history, than pride in the sort of change they're pushing; not to say that the former is invalid, but isn't the whole point of this to achieve something?

Me: "No, yeah, they're really close. I'm getting out of here."
Red: "Bye."

Grand Hallway - Blessed Be, Honey Bee
Ending Note: Condolences to the Runway Style House that was vandalised and robbed during the general strike.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

(Digital) Dating Steps

Been hitting the online dating circuit again. That being said, there's a lot of trepidation behind online dating, and I gotta say, it's mostly from the admitting to online dating, not the actual act of online dating.

Just break it down.

What do you do when you're looking for someone, or even, when you see someone that you want to go out with? Steps, it goes in steps...

1. Physical Attraction
2. Availability
3. Mutual Interest
4. Chemistry
5. The Proposition
6. Date

You see a pretty thing at a party (Step 1) and ask a friend if he knows her, if she's single (Step 2) - maybe you sneak a peak at the ring finger. You leave a couple lingering looks her way, see if she notices and reciprocates (Step 3). A couple more swigs of your beer and you head over, say hi, chat her up a bit (Step 4). You share a few laughs, exchange war stories about your boss, and ask her to lunch next week (Step 5). She says yes, and you guys meet at your favorite cafe for coffee, and a walk downtown (Step 6) to people watch.

With online dating you have access to a search engine that takes care of Steps 2 and 3, there are profile pictures that handle Step 1, and messages can be sent to begin Step 4 and eventually lead to Steps 5 and 6. It's all there, in one convenient place.

True, online chemistry through written word is different from face to face interaction, and you only know as much as others are willing to share, but is that really so different from a date? Most, smart folks, hide some of their crazy until you get to know one another, because we all have our fair amount of crazy; information is catered and we each work to put our best foot forward the first couple nights out, even if it's not how we normally act or look. 

Online dating is still a bit taboo, and obviously embarrassing to admit, but should it be?

Air Traffic - Charlotte
Ending Note: Occupy Oakland is making a mess.

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